Review of recent EI's collaborative research in Global Education

Education Intelligence's multifaceted approach to research and analysis has resulted in market insights that have been used to identify opportunities and challenges as well as inform higher education business planning and dialogue.

Examine the potential for business in emerging overseas markets

  • Education Intelligence worked for six weeks with a leading international education organisation to examine the market demand in China and Brazil for pre-university, university and external programmes in a specific subject. Included in the research was recommendations on the most promising programmes and modes of delivery as well as an in-depth competitor analysis. The final report was over 60 pages long and the findings have been used to shape the client's internationalisation strategy.
  • The team worked with a government agency in Pakistan to address the current and potential market for international education partnerships in-country. Specifically, Education Intelligence delved into how the UK higher education sector is currently involved in collaborations with Pakistani entities as well as the opportunities and challenges for future growth in the market. To best understand the subtle nuances in this complex market, team members travelled to Pakistan and conducted primary research with government officials, university administrators and students. The end product was a 40-page report that included details on legislation, communications infrastructure, language, existing programmes, as well as trends and projections; it is currently being used as a basis for global policy dialogues.

Assess the feasibility of new business models

  • Education Intelligence was commissioned to test a new business model and evaluate its value proposition in six specific markets. For this research, the team provided quantitative data, compiled from survey results across the six countries, as well as qualitative data from in-person and online focus groups with local students. The team delivered six separate reports to the client over the course of two months; the data and recommendations are being used to inform the client's business decisions in terms of programme delivery and achievement of their strategic objectives.
  • A higher education institution approached the research team to narrow down a list of over 90 countries to find the six markets in which a partially online, blended-learning programme in a niche subject would be most successful. Education Intelligence measured the suitability of the markets based on an extensive rubric, which evaluated areas such as market demand, local legal frameworks, technological infrastructure and cultural considerations. Key players in the six target countries were interviewed to better understand local market opportunities and the findings were presented in a final, six-part, research paper as well as in person, at the university. The analyses in the report were "very useful in informing [the client's] thinking and [they] have acted on recommendations."

Evaluate the impact of education policy

  • Education Intelligence was approached to explore the impacts of Hong Kong's recent comprehensive secondary and tertiary reforms; the implementation of a new qualification and the extending of higher education by one year has been no simple task and the team set out to measure the immediate outcomes on all levels. In conjunction with a local survey that garnered almost 3,000 Hong Kong student responses, Education Intelligence spoke with a myriad of education players, from government agency officials to secondary students and their parents, to obtain a holistic understanding of the effects of the reforms. The research has been presented to the Hong Kong Education Bureau and will be launched to interested parties by British Council Hong Kong's Director at a high-profile event later this month.

Engage with future

It all begins with a research idea. Education Intelligence is looking forward to holding initial consultations to discuss your needs before defining a research question.

Based on a collaborative proposal, Education Intelligence leverages the unique depth and breadth of our education, economic and demographic data, as well as the knowledge of our global British Council network, to provide quality market insights and practical solutions in a timely manner. 

Education Intelligence welcomes communication and discussion on topics in international higher education. Please drop us an email to initiate the conversation with our professional and experienced bespoke research team. Please do feel free to contact us at