Report: North India Boarding Schools mission

The British Council concluded its first ever boarding schools mission visiting prestigious boarding schools located in second/third cities in Northern India. The 4 day mission commenced from 21 September and concluded on 24 September 2015.

These boarding schools located in Sonepat, Dehradun and Mussourie are some of the country’s finest schools and are renowned for providing high quality education, encouraging their students to be academically competent and inclined towards an international education. These schools typically have potential students looking for options to study abroad.

6 UK institutions participated in this interactive platform where the participating delegation got an opportunity to meet prospective students at each school, where delegates made presentations about their respective institution followed by counselling sessions in a table and chair mini exhibition format.

Please download the complete report to know more about the mission and the feedback towards the same.

Final report.pdf280.54 KB