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Partnership with state university and UKBA to promote UK education in Nepal

The British Council organised a campaign to visit campuses under the state university (Tribhuwan University) to promote Education in UK in Nepal in August 2013. The main objective of this joint campaign by the British Council Nepal, UK Border Agency (UKBA) and Tribhuwan University was to raise awareness amongst Nepalese students about the opportunities and quality of education in the UK and to clarify its visa policies.

This was the first case in record to involve Delhi High Commission in such activities in Nepal. The British Council and UKBA visited different local colleges where 258 students benefited from learning about UK education system and visa processes for the UK. The British Council’s Country Director Nepal, Brendan McSharry, OBE and British Embassy’s Immigration Liaison Officer Martin Hardy and Emily Hard, Entry Clearance Officer from British Embassy were also present in the campaign and participated in some visits. The campaign facilitated linkages and associations between the higher education sectors in both countries.

The students were eager to directly interact with the British Council representative and the UKBA as they were able to have their doubts cleared from a dependable and authentic source. On popular demand, the campaign will be repeated later this year to reach out to students from other universities in Nepal, giving UK institutions a chance to further solidify their presence and sustain their relationships in one of South Asia’s most important markets.