Partnering with Community Colleges

Event: British Council Community College Breakfast
Location:  Houston, TX, USA
Date: 31 May 2012
Time: 7.00 a.m. – 8.00 a.m.
Venue: NAFSA Annual Conference, George R Brown Convention Center

The British Council USA hosted a Community College Breakfast as part of NAFSA's 64th Annual Conference & Expo in Houston, Texas. The breakfast brought together representatives from six US and six UK higher education institutions to discuss collaborations between US community colleges and UK colleges and universities.

The discussion sought to highlight the unique opportunities presented by the community college sector along with the challenges that institutions may face in pursuing international partnerships with the historically locally-focused sector. Both US and UK representatives agreed that the traditional model of internationalization may not work for the community college partnerships, and in order to create a successful collaboration, both sectors need to share more information about their structure and role in higher education. 

For a more comprehensive summary of the British Council Community College Breakfast, please download the PDF summary enclosed.

BC_CC meeting summary.pdf30.26 KB