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New report: Partnership Access – Optimising the success of international transfer students

This Partnership Access report examines students on pathway programmes, their TNE transfer experience and information on transfer pathways, in the context of the continuously changing definition of TNE. Featuring a review of key industry findings of various TNE pathway programmes, the report also includes the results of proprietary interviews with university administrators and professors involved in transfer programmes. In addition to identifying successes, failures, benefits, and challenges for students transferring from their home countries to the UK, the findings highlight support measures and lessons learned. The report identifies factors such as English language proficiency, pedagogical differences, and access to student support services such as peer mentoring, which can contribute to making TNE transfer arrangements successful or otherwise. As international student interest in transfer pathways remains strong, and pathways to the UK are increasingly important, this report provides an invaluable resource for institutions and organisations looking to develop and enhance the success of their TNE partnerships and outcomes for students on pathway programmes.

The report is now available at our Education Intelligence online store for purchase.

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