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  • New Partnership Access report - Perspectives on TNE: Postgraduate student views

New Partnership Access report - Perspectives on TNE: Postgraduate student views

This report examines trends in TNE at the postgraduate level in key markets such as the UK and Australia, and provides insights from the students’ perspective. Motivations for students undertaking such study, factors influencing their choices and satisfaction levels, based on secondary sources and proprietary research also features. With the growing popularity of TNE provision, this report provides an invaluable resource for institutions and organisations looking to develop and expand their education offerings beyond their borders.

The report is now available at our Education Intelligence online store for purchase.

For those institutions which have already subscribed for 2015-16, you can download the reports using your subscription quota without any additional fee.

If you have any problems when purchasing the reports, please contact us at EI.support@britishcouncil.org.hk.