New EI Feature report - Students from the Gulf: The UK experience

This timely Education Intelligence Feature report explores and describes the experiences and motivations of students from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – who are currently living and studying in the UK. Based on the findings from an online survey and focus groups, this research examines the UK study experience for this cohort of students, on-the-ground, as well as broader issues such as tertiary enrolments, mobility trends, UK programme preferences, and the drivers influencing study choices. Aimed at helping UK stakeholders in their efforts to strengthen and enhance the UK student experience for prospective and current GCC students, this report provides a valuable resource to inform mobility strategies and make optimum use of the qualities which have contributed to the positive perception of the UK university offer among students from this region.

The report is now available at the Education Intelligence online store for purchase and download.


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