New China Market Intelligence Brief available for IES subscribers

Today the IES Insights & Consultancy team launched the first in a new series of Market Intelligence Briefs for subscribers. Previously known as Country Briefs under the Education Intelligence portfolio, this new series of reports has been redesigned from the ground up to better meet the demands of the UK higher education sector, with more in-depth coverage of key issues for engagement and recruitment across 35 global markets. Our publication schedule starts with China, the UK’s most important recruitment market, followed by Malaysia, Greece and Colombia  in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can also access our new Market Introductions, now freely available to all users registered on the IES website.

We are committed to providing you with the best intelligence and analysis available and welcome your feedback as we continue to refine our products.

Report on China is now available at the online store for purchase and download.

For institutions which have already subscribed for any of our packages in 2018-2019, users with subscription admin or subscription report buyer roles assigned can purchase the reports using your subscription download quota without paying any additional fee. Purchased reports can then be shared among all subscription users from the same institution.


If you encountered any problems when purchasing the reports, please e-mail