Korean IHE Mission to Scotland

Organised by British Council Korea, in partnership with Universities Scotland and British Council Scotland

Six high-level officials from four Korean Universities paid a visit to Scotland in early September. The mission was a timely event as the Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) and Universities Scotland were about to sign an MOU on the collaboration of promoting internationalising higher education. The purpose of the mission was to develop an understanding of Scottish higher education, an international agenda and discuss structured ways to continue collaboration on student mobility, dual degree/internship programmes and joint research opportunities between the universities.

The two-day programme was comprised of three institutional visits and a contact seminar, engaging with ten Scottish Universities. Each session was strategically designed to help the delegates to specifically discuss the challenges and issues, collaborative opportunities in the following subject areas: Life Sciences, Engineering, Business and Management. 

Several positive outcomes have resulted from the delegation: 

  • Enhanced understanding of Scottish and Korean higher education institutions and identified the differences in terms of their international strategies

  • Enabled in-depth discussion on real challenges of establishing bilateral partnerships between Scottish and Korean Universities

  • Developed linkage with academics in the areas of interest (Life Sciences/Engineering/Business and Management)

The mission proved useful and productive especially for the Korean delegates, considering the fact that middle-ranking universities receive relatively less support in their international activities. A more detailed outcome of the mission will be in due course as the post-visit follow-ups and actions are under discussion by the delegates.

For more information, please contact Yuni Lee, Education Intelligence and Partnerships Manager.