Interim report into the New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum

The Curriculum Development Council, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority and Education Bureau, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, have released an interim report into the New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum and assessment, which was introduced in the 2009/2010 school year and saw the first cohort graduate with the HKDSE qualification in 2012.

The main objectives of the new curriculum are to provide a broad and balanced curriculum to support well rounded development and lifelong learning, extend secondary education opportunities for all and to diversify pathways to higher education.

According to the report the new curriculum is succeeding on all fronts, while recognising that these findings are interim and that there is still work to be done. Some concern still exists among parents and students, namely around the recognition and value of the Student Learning Profile, as opposed to traditional academic subjects and achieving the best academic grades.

Assuming that the new curriculum is succeeding as intended, UK institutions that receive HKDSE graduates should receive students who are better able to self-manage their study, apply critical thinking and broaden their knowledge base and perspectives.