Inspiring an Olympic Generation

On the eve of the London Paralympic Games, youth leadership programme Dreams and Teams helped students from 103 schools in China organise 20 Olympic-themed festivals across five cities. The events, many designed to allow students with disabilities to compete, provided a heart-warming illustration of the London 2012 motto ‘Inspire a Generation’. Dreams and Teams uses sport and arts as a platform for young people in different countries to develop leadership skills, active citizenship and international awareness. 

A Dreams and Teams sports festival recently organised by students in the megacity of Chongqing provided a tangible illustration of the London 2012 motto ‘Inspire a Generation’. It also demonstrated the once-in-a-generation opportunity the Games offer to forge international connections through our cultural relations work.

Together they recruited 3,000 participants, aged seven to 17, from 58 different schools. They also assembled a complex schedule of events, secured media and commercial sponsors, designed logos, wrote a theme song, and ensured that the values of cross-cultural understanding, fair play and equity permeated the well-attended festival. 

Read more about the story from the PDF enclosed.

Dreams and Teams Story.pdf104.84 KB