Highlight of activities in Indonesia in May 2013

MBA  and Postgraduate Finance Networking Dinner
Date: 10 May 2013
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Jakarta

The event was opened by British Embassy Chargé d’affaires Jennifer Anderson and British Council Country Director, Keith Davies. Attended by 67 visitors including UK universities, Indonesian universities, UK Alumni, UK and Indonesian business leaders, Embassy and British Council senior staff, the event gave UK representatives the opportunity to develop networks in Jakarta. Very positive feedback from UK institutions.

Event photos are available here.

MBA & Postgraduate Finance and Business Fair
Date: 11 May 2013
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Jakarta

Opened by Jennifer Anderson and Keith Davies. Twelve universities in attendance: 

  1. University of Birmingham,
  2. Birmingham City University ,
  3. Cardiff Metropolitan University ,
  4. University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) 
  5. Edinburgh Napier University , 
  6. University of Liverpool,
  7. London School of Commerce,
  8. Northampton University ,
  9. University of Staffordshire,
  10. University of Southampton
  11. Strathclyde University
  12. Plymouth University

This was the first specialist event arranged by the British Council in Indonesia and the particular focus  on postgraduate business programmes was due to this being the area of study in the UK in greatest demand in Indonesia. the 300 visitors. The event was advertised in the national press, KOMPAS, on radio HARD ROCK (87,6FM), through social media, the British Council website and through street banner advertising.  Two radio interviews were given by  the Head of Higher Education  who also participated in two  studio television interviews on MNC and Bina Nusantara Universities television channels

Event photos are available here.
Video is also available here.

Sun Education Top 250 University  Exhibition
Date: 19 May 2013
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Jakarta

Attended by Steve Buckle, Head of Higher Education on behalf of the British Council. We had a stand at this event and displayed a GREAT banner.  UK Universities in attendance were Southampton, Warwick, Newcastle, Exeter, Reading and Nottingham. 1300 in attendance.

Vice Rectors Leadership Training  Feedback Session
Date: 22 May 2013
Venue: Atlet Century Park Hotel, Jakarta

Attended by Steve Buckle, Head of Higher Education and Melissa Wirontono, Programme Manager the session was arranged to gather feedback from 13 participants in leadership training at the University of Glasgow and the University of Northampton in March.  The feedback will be used to inform on future delivery of such programmes in the UK.  The session was also used to follow up on agreements made with the participating UK universities and to explore how the institutions represented could  best take forward future collaboration with the UK. GREAT banners were displayed at the event.