Frequently Asked Questions on India-UK MRQ agreement

The UK-India MRQ was signed on 21 July 2022 by James Bowler, Permanent Under Secretary of UK’s Department of International Trade and Sanjay Murthy, Secretary Higher Education of India’s Ministry of Education.    

The MRQ agreement delivers the goal of the Enhanced Trade agreement and the 2030 Roadmap which distinctly sought to put MRQ in place to further cooperation between the two countries.  It also fulfils the ambition of the UK’s International Education strategy as well as India’s own National Education Policy to increase education exports, diversify student recruitment and skills transfer.

The British Council, Department of Education (DfE), Department of International Trade (DIT) and ENIC have been using every possible opportunity to explain the agreement details to the UK higher education sector and clarifying queries.  We had also earlier shared notes of our first webinar on MRQ along with the presentation deck.  In case you missed it, please refer to the link here.

We are now sharing a FAQ document which we have developed with inputs from ENIC, DfE and DIT.  It responds to the questions raised to us by email and in the sessions.  The FAQ will be updated as frequently as possible and reshared with you on this platform.