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Free report: 10 trends - Transformative changes in higher education

As global geopolitics, economic and workplace demands and individual priorities continue to evolve, the trends impacting international higher education have become more expansive, complex and diverse. Building on an earlier report Megatrends: The future of international education in 2013, where we conducted a macro-analysis of our research to identify global drivers for student mobility, this new report identifies and analyses ten critical trends impacting how education is imagined, delivered and received in years to come. While megatrends continue to shape global mobility, there are other influences transforming the higher education landscape. Although not an exhaustive list, the ten trends provide a compelling insight and understanding of how some factors, such as technology, may follow predictable patterns such as changing pedagogical practices globally and impacting teaching and learning, while other forces may be more unexpected and yet still have a potentially pervasive influence. 

Download the free report at the Education Intelligence online store.


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