European Education Fair Taiwan October 2016 - REPORT

The majority of exhibitors were satisfied with the turnout in Taichung, where the exhibition was first held successfully. However the three-day event did show a decline by 8 per cent in terms of visitor numbers (7,956 as opposed to 8,677 last year).

It was pointed out that the event on Friday could be replaced with school visits, be held in a university campus oropened at a later time to serve different purposes. Apart from the Friday, exhibitors (70 per cent Taipei, 74 per cent Taichung) were positive about the foot traffic on the Saturday and Sunday.

Interest in undergraduate studies has been captured in the exhibition as well as by the visitor registration, which overtook language courses as the second most popular qualification that visitors were interested in. In terms of subject areas, exhibitors found there was interest in a variety of subjects, in addition to business and arts.