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  • EU student Brexit sentiment research results - Webinar report 12 May 2020

EU student Brexit sentiment research results - Webinar report 12 May 2020

This webinar, held by the British Council's team in EU Europe, presented the results of two pieces of our recent Study UK research exploring how far and in what way Brexit is changing EU students' interest in and impressions of study in the UK. Our research also looked in-depth at messaging, channels and messaging strategies to communicate best with students.

The research presented included:

  • EU student Brexit temperature check: Fieldwork carried out February 2020 focusing on France, Germany, Greece, Poland and Spain by research agency 2CV)
  • AB messaging testing on search and social: Testing carried out 11-16 March 2020, focusing on France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain by digital marketing agency Natives).

A full recording of the webinar is available here (access password: B3x!tMay2020).

The presentation is available as an attachment. 

Brexit temperature check: A six-minute introduction