Emerging Market Report - the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia)

The three countries which form the Maghreb region, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, have not in recent years been a focus for student recruitment activity by UK universities. Strong linguistic and historical ties with France meant that most students seeking overseas higher education looked to the former colonial power for opportunities. However, following the transitions and changes brought about by the Arab spring movement, coupled with shifts in trade patterns, the waning influence of the Hexagon, and a growing recognition of the importance of the English language for ensuring individual and national economic success, the region now presents opportunities for the UK higher education sector. The three countries have a combined population of 83 million people, (17 per cent of which is between the ages of 15 and 24), rising literacy rates, and a thirst for change. Please use the link below to download the full report,

Emerging Markets Maghreb.pdf314.46 KB