Education UK Zimbabwe Exhibition Feb 2016 - Post Event Report

British Council Zimbabwe hosted their second Education UK Exhibition in Harare and Bulawayo on the 4th and 6th of February 2016 respectively.

Exhibitors arrived on the 3rd of February in the afternoon and a market brief and networking cocktail were hosted at the Meikles Hotel. The event was well attended, adding to the contingent of 6 British Council staff members, 2 Embassy staff and 16 exhibitors. The Country Director, Sam Harvey welcomed the guests and opened the floor for interaction while drinks and snacks where being served. That same night the British Council appeared on air at ZiFM radio at 20:30 to continue marketing the exhibition which was to be done the next day.

A total of 13 institutions were represented and the exhibition was of particular interest to young professionals, training managers, and undergraduates looking for post graduate study opportunities as well as other prospective students, parents and policy makers.

The institutions were showcasing their various disciplines and opportunities to prospective students from high school level to undergraduates and post-graduates. In Harare the exhibition was done at two events, first at Gateway Senior School, while the public event was held at the Meikles Hotel. A total of 706 prospective students attended the exhibition in Harare alone and made varying enquiries, as compared 803 in the previous year.

This year’s exhibition was a huge success considering that it was done at a time when there was a government directive for teachers not to leave their work places since there was a staff audit being undertaken. As a result most of the students could therefore not get permission to leave school for the exhibition without staff accompaniment.