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Education UK Schools & Colleges Exhibition Azerbaijan April 2014 - REPORT

The report of the April 2014 Education UK exhibition in Baku, Azerbaijan

British Council Azerbaijan joined SIEM on 1 April 2013 and took the responsibility to bring to Baku the Education UK exhibitions which have been successfully held in different countries around the world for many years. Baku hosted its first Education UK exhibition on 02-03 November 2013 and 41 UK universities, colleges, schools and ELT providers joined this first exhibition. With the purpose to develop market for further education sector the special exhibition is organized for further education sector on 26-27 April 2014. 20 UK schools, colleges and ELT providers joined the event. The exhibition was visited by 1300 pupils, students, parents and professionals during two days.

We share with you the report of the exhibition with great pleasure. The report consists of key statistics of the event, exhibitors and visitors feedbacks analysis, marketing activities description and related activities of the exhibition, also a few recommendations for the UK educational institutions for further events. We also put a few inspirational photos from the exhibition and sharing some local media links that covered the exhibition before and during the event and some of the links are in English.

British Council Azerbaijan will organize its next exhibition this year on 01-02 November 2014. This is the general exhibition is open for all kind of educational institutions. We also plan to have such format exhibition in April 2015 again that will be focused on boarding schools, further education sector and ELT providers.

There are 40 UK universities on State Scholarship Programme on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad, and the UK is number one destination in the program and starting from 2007 during last 7 years total number of students were sent to the UK is 612. Beside this 50 % of total undergraduate and postgraduate students and 100 % of school and colleges students are self-funded. Around 500 self-funded students are going to the short term courses recent years from Azerbaijan. It is emerging market with great potential for upcoming years. British Council Azerbaijan is always happy to support the UK in Azerbaijan as the best study abroad destination.