Education UK School Roadshow Jordan March 2015 - Post Event Report

On the 2nd and 3rd of March 2016, British Council Jordan held their Education UK international schools Roadshow.

Over a period of two days, the Roadshow included direct marketing visits to eleven top international schools in Amman that have high HE outbound trends within their students. This event had the participation of delegates from five UK universities who took this opportunity to meet prospective students from grades 10, 11 and 12, to build up relationship and strengthen links with international schools councillors in Jordan.

The roadshow reached 580 students studying GCSE, A Levels, IB and SAT international programmes. They had face-to-face counselling with representatives from UK universities.

We highly appreciate your support, and look forward to working more closely with you at future roadshows and a wide range of other educational promotion activities during the year.