Education UK Pakistan Virtual Exhibition Nov 2013 - Report

Pakistan remains an important and rewarding market for UK education institutes. Given the current security issues in the country, it has become challenging to hold physical exhibitions. Virtual exhibitions therefore have a role in developing a unique operating context in Pakistan. Given that, we feel that this year’s Virtual Exhibition proved very successful.

Statistics show that there was a 19.52 per cent increase in visitors in the Virtual Exhibition of 2013 as compared to 2012, with a total of 12,314 visitors overall. The Exhibition reached over 50 cities nationwide as well, the highest number of cities reached in a single year compared to 25 cities in 2012 and 15 cities in 2010 and 2011.

One positive from this year’s exhibition was that there was an increase in female users, compared to last year. In total 40 per cent of this year’s visitors were female and 60 per cent male.