Education UK Ghana October 2014 - Post Event Report

On the 27th to the 31st October 2014, British Council Ghana held their annual exhibition. Entitled “Where Inspiration Begins” the event covered both Kumasi and Accra.

Visitor numbers were slightly down on the previous fair held in February, but a still impressive total of 1,265 visitors attended over the three days visiting some 19 UK Institution exhibitors in Kumasi and 33 in Accra.

96% of visitors said they planned to making an application to study in the UK, and most were interested in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate options available. The vast majority of exhibitors agreed that the event met their expectations and that overall the event was a high quality event. The results from the visitor survey and observations made on the day demonstrated that the venue was not a good choice and it was suggested that venues in the city centre would have been better due to its transportation links and easy accessibility. We are already looking into alternative venues for next year.