Education UK Exhibition Vietnam October 2013 Report


The Education UK Exhibition in October 2013 was really an excellent occasion where Vietnamese students could have direct exposure with UK institutions to explore study opportunities in the UK. In general, the number of visitors to the events in Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh city has increased in comparison with the same event in 2012, especially, Ho Chi Minh city saw a remarkable growth. We received many good feedback from exhibitors. Below are two of them:

Well marketed, well attended, good visuals, enjoyable experience” – Cardiff University
Always a consistently high standard – Well done!” – City College Plymouth

For visitors, the event was not just an exhibition, but an enjoyable experience which brought potential students a good chance to learn about the UK with diversified wrap-around events such as talking with ‘Living books’ who are UK alumni about studying and living in the UK, experience the unique UK Culture Corner through traditional UK dances and super short musical which provided a taste and feel about the UK and UK education. In almost 1500 visitor feedback forms collected, 86% of them said that the exhibition has met their expectation and over 90% of them rated satisfied and highly satisfied with the UK institutions consultation and seminar programme at the fair.

The report below will give further information about the event, and British Council’s action points for future exhibitions.