Education UK Exhibition Spain October 2015 - Post Event report

In October 2015, British Council Spain held their annual exhibition in Madrid and Barcelona.

This is the fourth British Council Education Fair organised by British Council Spain.  The number of Spanish students willing to study abroad continues to increase and the UK remains the most attractive study destination. The UK and Spain are close culturally and physically and most importantly, the UK is perceived as able to provide young people with significant opportunities to access the international job market. 

In Spain, the British Council have managed to generate high levels of awareness and interest in the UK market through important advertising/promotion over the year which also helps maintain awareness and understanding of UK Education opportunities in Spain.  Our annual British Education Fair is becoming an event audiences expect. From analysis of feedback reports provided by both Universities and visitors, we are confident that we have reached the right balance between the public visiting, available space and scheduling, having moved to two full mornings and one afternoon in Madrid and one day in Barcelona.  Feedback from exhibitors, schools and public alike is consistently positive.   The Fair Guide (Passport) remains a key asset for schools and visitors although some Universities would prefer a different layout. 

Overall we continue to value the Fair as a key recruitment tool and an essential awareness raising event for UK Education in Spain.