Education UK Exhibition Spain November 2012 - Report

The first exhibition to be held by one of our `new’ SIEM countries – Spain. This was a huge success, and is an un-tapped market that is literally bursting with potential.

The numbers in Madrid exceeded 1300 and in Malaga numbers were well above 400. The mixture of students was good as it included school groups and general public/interested parents. Interest was mainly about UG but some universities in Madrid reported 80% of PG questions in the afternoon.

The Media impact was by far the largest success. There was a wide coverage on press and radio the month before the event and the Fair was live on the main Spanish National TV midday and evening news, reacting nearly 3 million people. The second biggest success of the Fair was the information sessions. Building them as an add-on, they became the main attraction of the Fair. There were well over 400 attendants spread around the 5 sessions given in the afternoon. The demand was such that we had to create a data-base to collect e-mail of people interested in future sessions and have since offered 3 more general information sessions about UK Education.

We felt reassured that there is demand for a greater Fair in 2013, this time including all types of Education. The on-going information sessions will create the demand for school, UG & PG students, not forgetting Colleges offering VET programmes and, of course, EFL training.