Education UK exhibition South Korea October 2014 - REPORT

We received over 2,255 visitors at our 24th Education UK exhibition in South Korea this year, and although this has marginally dropped, we see no obvious reason for this.  Demographics show that the participants attending were dominantly female, three-quarters being in their 20’s and 30’s which is the same as in 2013.

Participant's profile was more than the same compared to last year- dominantly female, three quarters being in their 20's and 30s. 

Majority were looking for postgraduate and undergraduate courses and Art & Design was found to be still the number one subject area of choice.

More than 88% of the visitors said they have a plan to study abroad.  Among them, over 80% answered they plan to study abroad within 2 years, and when they were asked in which cycle they were, more than 40% were in the process of choosing an institution to study at.