Education UK Exhibition Poland February 2014 - REPORT

This year the number of institutions which registered for Poznan Fair was smaller than expected despite the fact that the Fair was advertised well in advance.

The feedback from exhibitors  indicated that the fair was too long, and that they would have preferred a two-day event instead. 

The total number of visitors to all pavilions was impressive – over 30 000 but our stands were visited by much smaller number of visitors – about 3,000 during three days. And even fewer got involved in meaningful discussions with the exhibitors.  We had a visiting distinguished guest – Poland’s First Lady Mrs Anna Komorowska who visited the whole Education UK exhibition guided by our BC SIEM manager.

Despite the Education UK area looking very impressive and professional and after much effort and resources being put into various means of promotion, we felt that the UK exhibitors were not fully satisfied with the turnout for this event and that  the month of March does not suit most UK institutions.  Their feedback from questionnaires later confirmed this.  
Therefore, after careful consideration, we have decided to stop organising Education UK exhibition in Poznań, and concentrate our efforts Instead to organising a two-day exhibition in Warsaw and Kraków in November 2014.