Education UK Exhibition Nigeria February 2014 - Report

The February 2014 British Council Education UK exhibition in Nigeria was a success and well received by the UK delegates who attended. 3,109 visitors attended the events which took place over three days in two cities (Abuja and Lagos).

Delegates were pleased with the quality of visitors with 87% agreeing that it was a high quality event. We took into consideration the feedback from the sector at the 2013 exhibition and made changes to the event format with one day in Abuja and separated the Lagos events to two locations on the Mainland and the Island, which contributed to the success of the event.

Visitors to the exhibition were also pleased with the quality of the feedback from delegates with some visitors making the following comments: “I have children interested in in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. I was very impressed. The children had one on one discussions, admissions were given on the spot, a lot of grey areas explained” - Mrs Nwagbo. “I got vital information directly, information that I could not access on the web” - Unnamed participant.