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Education UK Exhibition Mexico February 2014 - POST-EXHIBITION REPORTS

This is a series of reports compiling the three exhibitions placed in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey the past February 2014. It contains main and detailed statistics about the main features around the exhibition.

Through this reports you will see the statistics about participants like: gender, main interests in education (postgraduate, undergraduate, PhD, etc.), which where compiled at the moment of registration to our Education UK 2014 exhibition.

It is very important to highlight that the registration process helped us to gather information to know better our target audiences and therefore improve in our ways to deliver year after year better products.

This information also helped us to present a detail inform about what happened. What are the key areas on where Mexican aspirants are more interested (postgraduate keeps leading on this matter) but also tell us where (physically (or in this case digitally)) is our target audience. Facebook has been one of the most important digital platforms where we succeeded to find the biggest number of our audience and also helped us to design the best strategies to approach them.

We hear you! And we know from past experiences that you are more, and every time more, and more interested in finding better aspirants. And by better I mean: good level of English, well informed about few aspects of studying abroad, true interest studying abroad, etc. Taking that into consideration we focused our marketing strategies (digital and traditional) in finding these aspirants.

The result is that in our exit poll we receive comments from you letting us know that certainly we succeed in this strategy.

These series of reports will give more detail about these 3 exhibitions and what happened in detail. Please feel free to contact the BC SIEM team if you have any further questions.