Education UK Exhibition Ghana February 2014 - Report

The British Council Ghana held their annual Education UK Exhibition on the 10th in Kumasi, and in Accra on the 12th and 13th February 2014.

41 Higher Education institutions participated in the exhibition, which was attended by2172 visitors across all sites. The majority of visitors were male, and whilst Ghana continues to be predominantly a postgraduate market, there is sufficient interest in undergraduate studies. Despite the decline in numbers this year, 89 per cent of Exhibitor’s were happy with the visitor quality and numbers, with 77% of exhibitors proclaiming the event to be “better than” or “consistent” with the previous year’s event.

Participants had the opportunity to access a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and a staggering 98% said they would make an application to study in the UK as result of the exhibition. 92% of visitors rated the quality of services available as either “Good” or “Excellent”.

Ghana Feb 2014 Post Event Report.pdf492.06 KB