Education UK Exhibition Bangladesh February 2014 - Report

In February 2014, the British Council in Bangladesh held an Education UK exhibition, titled “Map out your future”. It lasted some four days across three cities (Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet).

There was an increase in visitor numbers from a similar event held 2013. With the vast majority of visitors being male undergraduates, most found the exhibition useful and “providing the information required” to them. Despite concerns over scholarship opportunities and the high cost of UK education, the majority still either agreed or strongly agreed that the “UK is a country with high quality learning opportunities”.

Though exhibitor numbers from UK institutions were slightly down on previous exhibitions, many exhibitors felt the event was huge success with many expressing their satisfaction at the good number of visitors, and the good quality of student, and 33 exhibitors at Dhaka declaring the event to be “as good as, if not better” than the previous exhibition.

The lessons learned and successes of this event will help to build on next year’s exhibitions.