Education UK Exhibition Azerbaijan November 2013 - REPORT


The report of the first Education UK exhibition in Baku, Azerbaijan

British Council Azerbaijan joined SIEM (Services for International Education Marketing) on 1 April 2013 and took the responsibility to bring to Baku the Education UK exhibitions which have been successfully held in different countries around the world for many years. Baku hosted its first Education UK exhibition on 02-03 November 2013 and 41 UK universities, colleges, schools and English Language Providers joined this event. During 2 exhibition days around 4000 visitors had chance to meet face to face with the representatives of the UK educational institutions and discuss with them future study abroad plans.

We share with you the report of our first exhibition with great pleasure. The report consists of key statistics of the event, exhibitors and visitors feedbacks analysis, marketing activities description and related activities of the exhibition, also a few recommendations for the UK educational institutions for further events. We also put a few inspirational photos from the exhibition and sharing some local media links that covered the exhibition before and during the event and some of the links are in English.

We received a lot of positive feedbacks both from exhibitors and visitors and by taking into account market environment and demand British Council Azerbaijan will host 2 exhibitions in 2014. The first exhibition will be on 26-27 April 2014 and 18 schools, colleges and English Language Training providers will be joining this event. The second exhibition is planned for 01-02 November 2014 and we welcome exhibitors both from higher and further education sectors in Baku.

Recently Azerbaijani government increased the list of UK universities in the State Programme on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad, and students from Azerbaijan could apply for 40 universities from the UK within the scholarship programme.  The UK is the number one destination in the programme, and starting from 2007 during the last 7 years, the total number of students going to the UK was 612.  It is worth noting that 50% of the total undergraduate and postgraduate students and 100% of school and college students are all self-funded.  Around 500 of these self-funded students are looking towards short term courses.  Azerbaijan is an emerging market with a great potential within the forthcoming years.  The British Council in Azerbaijan are always happy to support and encourage the UK in its drive to get more Azerbaijani students and send the message that the UK is the best study abroad location. 

For more photographs of the November 2013 exhibition - please click on this link