Education UK Cyprus Exhibition November 2013 - REPORTS

Report for Nicosia north

Organising an Education UK Exhibition in the north part of the island for the second time proved to be a worthwhile decision. This year the event attracted 14 per cent more public than previous year. Feedback received by both visitors and exhibitors was largely positive and encouraging.

We are looking into establishing this as an annual event and creating awareness between students from the north to take good advantage and benefit from the opportunity as UK remains among their preferred study destination.

Report for Nicosia south

This exhibition is very well established among Cypriots as we have been organising it for many years. This year’s event exceeded its set targets in both visitor numbers and participating UK institutions. Exhibition success and feedback received indicate that there is high demand and interest for studies to the UK among Cypriots.

Exhibitions are also used as opportunities for parallel networking and profile raising education activities. This year exhibition program was enriched with parallel seminars and workshops. All interesting information can be found in the report…