Education UK Azerbaijan Nov 2014 - Post Event Report

British Council Azerbaijan has now completed its second year in SIEM by successfully organizing its third exhibition on 1-2 November 2014 in Baku.

This was the largest exhibition of the British Council in Azerbaijan so far with 43 UK universities, schools, colleges and ELT providers. It was also first time in Azerbaijan such number of UK educational institutions joined any educational event.

We share with you the report of the exhibition with great pleasure. The report consists of key statistics of the event, exhibitors and visitors feedbacks analysis, marketing activities description and related activities of the exhibition, also a few useful recommendations for the UK educational institutions for further events. We also put a few inspirational photos from the exhibition and sharing some local media links that covered the exhibition before and during the event and some of the links are in English.

British Council Azerbaijan will organize two exhibitions in 2015, first we will welcome colleges, schools and English language training providers in Baku this April for the schools and colleges exhibition, then again in November we will host autumn exhibition which will be open for all kind of educational institutions from the UK. The registration is open for both events.

There are 40 UK universities on the state scholarship program on Education of Azerbaijani Youth Abroad, and the UK is the number one destination for the program. From 2007, a total of 724 students were sent to the UK. Besides this, 50% of the total undergraduate and postgraduate students and 100% of the schools and college students are self funded. Around 500 self funded students are going to the short term courses in recent years. It is an emerging market with great potential for the upcoming years.

British Council Azerbaijan is always happy to support the UK in Azerbaijan as the best study abroad destination.