Cyprus (North and South) Exhibition Nov 2014 - Post Event Reports

In November 2014, the British Council in Cyprus held their annual Education Exhibition. The event exceeded its targets in both visitor numbers and participating UK institutions, with the exhibition’s success and the positive institutional feedback indicating that there is still high demand and interest for studying in the UK among Cypriots.

Exhibitor’s feedback was very positive. “Very good” and “excellent” ratings were given on student quality and numbers, as well as on the overall planning and management of the event. Equally positive were the responses on venue, promotion and duration of the exhibition with 93 per cent feeling the event timing was ideal. The visiting students feedback was equally as positive. Most students were informed about the exhibition through Radio and TV adverts and Schools – Who were very well informed throughout the year about British Council services/ activities. Exhibition flyers were also sent out on time ensuring that they were timely distributed to relevant students.

Overall planning and delivery of the Education UK Exhibition this year proved to be very successful with interest remaining high for future events amongst both UK institutions and visitors.