Country Brief Jordan and Country Brief Qatar are now available.

The Country Brief is designed to provide you with an overview of a particular country. Using the latest data from the most reliable sources, it represents a window onto the country's education system and student population as well as the economic, demographic and social factors that shape its higher education sector. The new 2017 series covers not only updated analysis on macro-economic and socio-economic indicators, but also provides a full picture of the education market of a given country.

The last two reports in the 2017 series, Jordan and Qatar, are now available at the Education Intelligence online store for purchase and download.

For institutions which have already subscribed for any of our packages in 2017-2018, users with subscription admin or subscription report buyer roles assigned can purchase the reports using your subscription download quota without paying any additional fee. Purchased reports can then be shared among all subscription users from the same institution.


If you encountered any problems when purchasing the reports, please e-mail