China International Education Exhibition Tour 2013 Report

China International Education Exhibition Tour 2013, which was organised by Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, took place from 9 to 24 March 2013 in seven cities in China, including Beijing, Shenyang, Xi’an, Shanghai, Hefei, Fuzhou and Guangzhou.

As the organiser of the UK pavilion which featured 55 UK exhibitors, the British Council worked closely with the Chinese organiser to incorporate national and local promotional channels to reach a wider range of audience. The UK pavilion attracted a total of 19,100 visitors in five of the exhibition cities including Beijing, Shenyang, Xi’an, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The project media monitor report indicated that the UK pavilion received extensive media coverage nationwide with a media reach of more than 11.4 million and a media value of CNY 2.94 million.
Please download the enclosed full project report for reference.