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Broadening Horizons: The value of the overseas experience is now available for download

In the third annual report examining how UK and US students perceive study abroad, Broadening Horizons aims to understand the perceived drivers and barriers regarding overseas study, and how these are changing over time.

This latest report features research, including the responses of almost 7,500 UK and US students aged between 16 and 30 years, surveyed between March and April 2015. As well as identifying the main academic and non-academic drivers to overseas study, the report highlights key academic and non-academic deterrents. Cost and lack of foreign language skills were found to be among the biggest deterrents to study abroad for both UK and US students, although there were differences between the groups in terms of the factors considered to be more discouraging. The report also provides insight into student awareness of government-sponsored study abroad programmes, information sources used when considering overseas study options, and the perceived value of study abroad.

The report is now available for download for free at our Education intelligence online store.