Bahrain EDUKEX Nov 2014 - Post Event Report

On the 12th and 13th November 2014, Bahrain held their annual Education UK exhibition. Titled “Making the Right Connections” the event proved hugely popular.

Though visitor numbers were slightly down on the previous year’s exhibition (2014: 1300 – 2013: 1732), the number of participating UK institutions actually increased from 32 to 34, reflecting the positive market conditions available in Bahrain.

The feedback received from visitors was positive overall. Overall the vast majority of visitors agreed or strongly agreed that the event met their expectations, and rated the quality of the event as high.

Worthy of note, was the fact that some of the representatives from the universities in attendance were bi-lingual and could speak Arabic which proved very useful to the public and was very well received. We also received very positive feedback from visitors concerning the event overall - “The event gave us the opportunity to plan our future” one visiting student remarked. An alumnus who was invited to the reception at the British Embassy and the event wrote the following “I would like to extend my sincere thanks for all the genuine support that I received during the event”.