Agents training programme in India

The Services for International Education Marketing, India team recently concluded the agents training programme which delivered the web based course to 100 agents across the country over two months, concluding with a final qualifying examination held across our offices in Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai on 5 October 2013.

The training programme, delivered by the British Council to registered agents has always been a popular service from the SIEM stable, although this year saw the highest registrations, with candidates coming in from Nepal and Bangladesh as well. The entire training was delivered through an online format where candidates registered on a web portal through which they accessed course material. Mock assessments and a ‘learning outcomes’ record allowed agents to track their progress. Each agent had a personal mentor from the SIEM team who would consistently be on hand to help with the registration, any problems or queries regarding the course work and (on the eve of the test day) exam stress!

The training was brought to a conclusion with a sit-down 2 hour paper and pen exam, after which the SIEM team had a feedback session with them over coffee and cookies. The agents were gifted a planner from Education UK to use for their student counselling sessions.

Agents’ training has been a core element of British Council’s work with the agents. Keeping in mind the needs and requirements of Education UK agents who provide consultancy services to students, the training has been designed to give a broad knowledge of the UK education system and aspects of studying and living in the UK.

Those who successfully clear the Foundation Course test will be listed on the Global Agents List on the British Council website. Apart from this they will receive a certificate which would be valid for a two year period. Agents who have cleared the Foundation level may also choose to register for the Advanced Course, which is a more demanding training and mainly for portfolio developing purposes.

Fulfilling the objectives of the full cost recovery model, SIEM has scored full marks with the successful completion of the agents’ exam this year. Here’s hoping the candidates fare just as well!