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Yuxi Technician College seeks UK partners to develop skills training centre


Yuxi Technician College is seeking UK college and university partners to establish an international skills training centre in the college to cater to the needs of the local labour market and other countries in Southeast Asia.



This is an opportunity for UK institutions to position themselves as strategic partners for skills development in a fast developing area in Southwest China, and to build their brand awareness in Yunnan province, which may support future business opportunities for teacher training, curriculum development, student exchanges, and college partnerships.


Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

UK partners:

The UK partners will be expected to provide consultancy services, contribute to the college’s curriculum design, provide teacher training, and network with UK professional bodies, in accordance with the developmental stages of the centre.


Yuxi Technician College:

Yuxi Technician College will be responsible for providing the infrastructure of the international skills training centre, for recruiting students both locally and internationally, and for networking with the local industry sector.  


Brief introduction of Yuxi Technician College

Yuxi Technician College is a vocational school that trains skilled workers in the areas of numerical control, building, electro-mechanics, and vehicle maintenance and repair. It is located in Yuxi, Yunnan province, and has 10,000 full-time students and more than 600 staff, in addition to part-time staff from related industry sectors.


About Yunnan Province

Yunnan province, located in Southwest China, is being positioned by the Chinese government as a training base for public officials from countries all over Southeast Asia. The Chinese government has proposed sharing and integrating resources across Southeast Asia to tackle issues such as youth employment, entrepreneurship training, and vocational skills development. There are 15,000 international students in Yunnan province, 60 per cent of whom are from Southeast Asia and South Asia.


Action required

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 10 June 2016, 12 noon GMT, providing the following information:


  • an introduction of your institution, including any international experience in the skills sector and strong points for engaging in a skills partnership
  • an outline proposal for collaborating with Yuxi Technician College, including any expected returns from this partnership



10 June 2016

Deadline for expressions of interest

30 June 2016

Feedback to be provided to UK institutions


Action Required

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 10 June 2016, 12 noon GMT, providing the following information:

1. an introduction of your institution, including any international experience in the skills sector and strong points for engaging in a skills partnership
2. an outline proposal for collaborating with Yuxi Technician College, including any expected returns from this partnership