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Yangzhou University seeks UK partners for joint undergraduate programmes in Medicine, Biology or Electrical Engineering


Yangzhou University (YZU) is looking for UK partners to develop and deliver 4+0 transnational education joint undergraduate programmes in one of these areas: Medicine, Biology or Electrical Engineering, with potential to develop into a joint institution in future. YZU aims to recruit around 65 students per programme per year, with the first students to be enrolled in September 2023.

Benefits for the UK partners

  • Raise your institution’s profile and brand awareness in Jiangsu province, China, with a view to future student recruitment.
  • Potential for expansion into other fields, such as student and faculty exchange programmes, teacher training, joint research, and articulation.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

The selected UK partner will be expected to work with YZU to:

  • Develop the curricula for the joint programme.
  • Provide support in the quality assurance of the programme.
  • Provide academic staff from the UK university to deliver teaching in China to meet TNE regulations.
  • Issue bachelor’s or master’s degrees to students upon successful completion of the programme.

YZU will be responsible for:

  • Promoting and recruiting students for the programme.
  • Providing qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching premises and logistical support for the joint programme.
  • Supporting prospective students in preparing to study in the UK as part of the programme.

About Yangzhou University

Yangzhou University (YZU), located in Jiangsu province, is ranked within the top 50 out of over 2,000 Chinese universities. Eight disciplines, namely Plant and Animal Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, Clinical Medicine, Materials Science, Computer Science and Biology are among ESI’s top 1% of global universities and research institutions. The university excels in scientific research and technological innovations, with over 50 different laboratories and research and innovation centres.


YZU aims to submit materials to apply for joint programme approval from the Chinese Ministry of Education in March 2022.

Action Required

How to participate

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 30 Mar 2021, providing an introduction to their institution, including any strengths and experience in developing and delivering joint programme in the above mentioned subjects.