A Wuhan summer school agent seeks UK partners for summer camps

A summer school agent plans to expand its Wuhan-UK students cultural exchange programme and is looking for UK partners who have junior summer centres in London, Oxford or Cambridge to host annual summer study camps for student groups aged between 12 and 14.

They would like the study camps to run in July and August for three weeks, with students spending the first two weeks in residential accommodation and the last week with home-stay families. The programmes should offer participants an immersive experience through sessions on the English language, British culture, sports and other activities. A suggested programme is for students to take language classes in the morning and do activities in the afternoon. The programmes should also involve weekend events such as hiking, cultural visits etc. If possible the students should have the opportunity to study together and interact with local or international students.


The selected UK partner will:

  1. Receive financial reimbursement for their programme support, to be further negotiated with the Chinese partner.
  2. Have the opportunity to develop a long-standing partnership with a Chinese partner with the potential for future expansion.
  3. Have the opportunity to build their brand among Chinese students, which may support with future student recruitment.

Areas of responsibilities for the two collaborating parties

UK partner

The selected UK partners are expected to be British independent schools, British Council accredited language schools or higher education institutions, who can host junior summer centres in London, Oxford or Cambridge.

Partners’ responsibilities include:

  • Hosting three weeks of  English courses, activities and weekend excursions
  • Accommodation:  two weeks’ residential and one week home-stay
  • Three meals a day
  • Transport to and from the airport
  • A letter of invitation to support the visa application process
  • A certificate of completion at the end of the summer camp

Chinese agent

Local Chinese agent’s responsibilities include:

  • All promotion and recruitment of students in Wuhan
  • Providing three supervisors to assist all students throughout the summer study camps
  • Coordinating students’ UK visa applications and international ticket booking
  • Providing guidance for Chinese students before they leave for the UK.

Agent’s detailed information will be shared with shortlisted educators.

Action Required

How to participate

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 5 February 2017, 12 noon GMT.

Please provide a full package proposal with requirements listed above. The proposal should include introduction of the centre, location, price, programme highlights, sample timetable, free group leader quota etc.   The arrangement for group leader at this stage is welcomed in your proposal but not required.

The British Council will charge a £1,000 management fee as a service commission, which is payable by the proposal winner.


1. 5 February 2017 Deadline for call-for-interests 

2. 25 February 2017 Feedback given to UK institutions

3. 10 March 2017 Completion of negotiations and signing of a co-operation agreement between the UK institution and the Chinese institution (TBC by Chinese agent and proposal winner)

4. Summer 2017 Kick-off the first group