Women in STEM Mentoring Request for Proposals

Since 2020 the British Council  has worked to strengthen the  capacity for senior researchers and scientists to promote practices and policies that reduce inequities in the ecosystem of science, technology and innovation.

To further this process, we require consultancy services to support the implementation of  a Mentoring Programme for Women in STEM in Peruvian HEIs. This will involve updating an existing MOOC to train mentors and 25 Peruvian HEIs. The total value of this consultancy is up to £25,000.

Consultants will create and develop online sessions and content with a focus on fostering institutional mentoring in order to develop a better, more inclusive, safer and innovative science environment. This will include:

1) updating the existing MOOC for training mentors

2) accompanying a group of up to 25 Peruvian HEIs in the institutionalisation of the Mentoring Programme for Women in STEM (4 workshops)

3) producing a Handbook for institutions to manage mentoring of women in STEM


Deadline to express interest in the tender: 19 June 2022

Deadline for clarification questions (Clarification Deadline): 21 June 2022

Deadline for submission of RFP responses by potential suppliers (Response Deadline): 30 June 2022

Final Decision: 10 July 2022

Action Required

Apply to this opportunity to provide expert technical assistance and contribute to builds stronger, more inclusive, internationally connected higher education institutions which support economic and social growth. You can connect, collaborate, and innovate with universities and education policy makers in Perú and UK.