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Webinar opportunity to share with your students and agent and counsellor networks: Study UK updates for prospective East Asian students

UK institutions are invited to share the below opportunity with relevant students, agent and counsellor networks.

Join Study UK, UK Visas & Immigration and UK university representatives for this webinar where you’ll receive the latest information on the situation in the UK and guidance for international students from East Asia.

Date: Thursday 11 March 2021

Time: 8.00-9.30 a.m. UK time

Target audience: prospective students from East Asia considering UK higher education from autumn 2021 onwards. Agents, counsellors, teachers and relatives also welcome.

Registration link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=wXVirt3MRkCyoWJFosyj7LrSUuZCf4dIvqdHrZ2vJIhUQ0ZJOVFRNlVYRUlaS0tZRE45NjZRMkg0Mi4u


Helen Yang: Senior Marketing Manager, Study UK East Asia

Jaymee Gonzales: UK Visas & Immigration

David Winstanley, Director of Global Recruitment and Admissions, University of Southampton

Peter Shelley, Head of Student Recruitment, University of Surrey

UK institutions can download the attached promotional poster to share with relevant networks.