Virtual Tour UK 2019

Opportunities are now open to be part of our latest digital campaign, the Virtual Tour UK 2019, designed to promote different UK regions as study destinations to audiences in the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Colombia.

The campaign is aimed to familiarize both students and college counsellors with diverse regions of the UK, demonstrating the breadth of what the UK has to offer - both in terms of the sites, places and experiences, and of course the academic opportunities that can be found.

For each of the 8 UK regions we are inviting up to two UK Universities to join us, for each target market in the Americas.

Please see attached PDF for more detailed information.

Action Required

Confirmation of which package and which market you would like: 11th January 2019.

You just need to complete this simple form (, and indicate:
- in which UK region you’re situated
- whether you want the Webinar package and/or standalone Facebook promo
- in which campaigns (Americas markets) you’d like to be featured.

Please note that spaces are limited and likely to sell out.

For more details of content deadlines, please see attached PDF.

Virtual Tour UK.pdf80.99 KB