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Vin University seeks UK partners for developing and franchising undergraduate pathway programmes

Vin University (VinUni) is a private university which has just received its establishment decision in March 2018. The university’s first intake at undergraduate level will start in 2020. VinUni is looking for a UK partner to develop pathway to undergraduate programme in 5 subject areas which expected to launch 1st intake in 2019:

  • Business Administration
  • Hospitality Management
  • Real Estate Management
  • Engineering (Mechanical-Mechatronic; Electrical – Electronic; Computer Engineering)
  • Health Science

The curriculum will be franchised by the UK partner, and the training programme will be delivered by VinUni lecturers who are qualified and approved by the UK partner university. The franchise programme will be fully delivered in Vietnam.

Upon successful completion of the programme, students who meet the entry requirements will progress to undergraduate programmes at VinUni in Vietnam.

Benefits for UK partners:

This is an opportunity for the selected UK partner to be the first partner establishing a joint training programme with VinUni, a young private dynamic university.

The pathway to undergraduate franchise programme will be implemented at VinUni campus in Hanoi with possible expansion to other areas in Vietnam in the university’s development plan.

Successful partnership will be an advantage to open potential cooperation in other fields such as joint research and student exchange in the future.  

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating partners:

The selected UK partner will be expected to work with VinUni to:

  • contribute to the curriculum design
  • provide teaching materials/tools
  • provide assessment methods
  • provide quality assurance for the programme

VinUni will be responsible for:

  • applying the business licence for the franchise programme from local authority (MOET/ DOET)
  • promoting and recruiting students for the programme
  • providing qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching premises and logistical support for the franchise programme

About Vin University:

Vin University (VinUni) is a private university which has just received its establishment decision in March 2018. The university is a member of  VinGroup, a private enterprise, having a varied investment portforlio in Vietnam.

VinUni will provide undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in business, engineering, and health science. The university will launch 1st intake in 2020 at undergraduate level, and anticipate to have 2,500 students in total by 2025 and 4,000 students by 2023.

VinUni has been partnering with a US university for their consultation in developing curriculum, building teaching capacity, and student learning assessment at Undergraduate level. The university is looking for a UK partner to build franchise university pathway to prepare students before entering undergraduate programmes at VinUni. 

Goals and Objectives of VinUni Undergraduate Pathway

The overall goal of VinUni undergraduate pathway programme is to fulfill students who are conditionally accepted to VinUni degree programmes with supplementary academic metrics and attributes so they can meet all the admission criteria. This pathway programme combining the training in English language, academic skills, and additional attributes will provide VinUni students who are accepted to VinUni undergraduate programme but have not met its entire entry requirements chances to improve their English and necessary skills so they can smoothly enter their desired degree programmes as well as successfully navigate their first year at VinUni.

The overall goal can be achieved by attaining the following specific objectives:

  1. Improving English proficiency for students with intensive courses to meet English admission criteria of IELTS 6.5+ or equivalent from their English entry levels of IELTS 5.0/5.5/6.0 or equivalent  
  2. Improving academic skills including critical thinking, teamwork, leadership, interpersonal, and presentation skills, for students who have not shown sufficient evidence of those skills to meet VinUni all admission attributes. Those skills are essential for students to successfully navigate through their degree programme. Students can improve academic skills by participating in the modules, projects, or community activities particularly designed for the pathway programme.
  3. Educating and fostering students regarding their characters and sound values such as resilience, community responsibility, or self-motivation to potentially become a citizen as a whole. Those values can be obtained by participating in civic lectures/talks or community activities specially designed for the pathway programme.

Successful completion of this programme guarantees that the students who are conditionally accepted are sufficient in academic, English, and other attributes as the students who have direct entry.

The critical principle applied to design the undergraduate pathway programme is based upon VinUni admission criteria with different groups of accepted students as presented in the following admission flowchart.

Target students:

Students accepted into VinUni undergraduate pathway programme are classified into two groups as below. Those students also have to go through the entire designated admission process (both university process and programme process) to be admitted to the pathway programme.

Group A: includes those who meet all the academic and English requirements (after the 3 first admission rounds) but still need to be improved with some skills and/or attributes required for their chosen programme after the 4th round of admission process (Comprehensive Review)

Group B: includes those who already meet academic requirements and are sufficient in skills and attributes after the 4th round of Comprehensive Review but not yet meet English requirements (English Proficiency is lower than 6.5 IELTS or equivalent).

Action Required

How to participate
UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact British Council Vietnam by 15th April 2018 and provide a one-page introduction about their institution, covering any strengths and experience in developing and delivering undergraduate pathway programme, and a proposed programme structure to meet the programme goals and objectives as described.
VinUni would like to select partners in April 2018, and finalise agreements by May 2018. The first intake for franchised Pathway programme will be in Sep 2019.