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Vietnam: Opportunity to participate in the World University Fair organised by a group of International Schools

In late September 2019, there will have a World University Fair organised by a group of International schools in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. The event will be hosted at venues of some international schools in both cities. The fair is expecting approximately 700 students/ each cities. Participation for the fair is free of charge.

Information about the event are as follows:

In Hanoi
Date: 25 – 27 September 2019
Event details can be found at: https://hanoi-ugc.weebly.com/

List of international schools co-host the event:
• British International School
• British Vietnamese International School
• Concordia School
• Hanoi International School
• International School of Vietnam
• Singapore International School
• St Paul American School
• The Olympia Schools
• The TH School
• UNIS Hanoi
• Wellspring International School

Register for Hanoi event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc98MEimyEv3zo3gtqi-Oh1JQq4NgVi...

In Ho Chi Minh city
Date: 27 – 29 September 2019
Event details can be found at: https://sites.google.com/ssis.edu.vn/universityfairandconference/home

Saigon South International School (SSIS) will host the event with seven other schools co-hosting:
• Australian International School
• British International School HCMC
• Canadian International School
• European International School
• International School HCMC
• International School HCMC American Academy
• Lawrence S. Ting School

Register for Ho Chi Minh event: https://forms.gle/kLR3DMDc55uuBFFD9

Institutions may also wish to note that timing may tie in with the Study UK School Roadshow in Hong Kong in the week of 16 – 20 September (please contact Karen Hsu from British Council Hong Kong), or the Vietnam Study UK Fair (with wrap-around digital marketing activities) in the week from 1st to 6th October 2019.

Action Required

UK institutions who are interested to participate in the event are recommended to contact organiser directly for registration.
Contact email for Hanoi event: Hanoi.UGC@gmail.com
Contact email for HCM event: universityfair@ssis.edu.vn