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Vietnam: Opportunity to participate in “UK in my eyes” competition

British Council Vietnam invites UK institutions to participate in our “UK in my eyes” programme. This programme has been implemented by the British Council Vietnam since 2010. It is a popular communication channel to connect alumni and those who are studying in the UK with Vietnamese prospective students and it is a great way to raise UK institution’s profiles in Vietnam.

This year, the British Council Vietnam is organising the “UK in my eyes” competition in partnership with VNExpress, the most popular online newspaper in Vietnam and the competition is expecting to attract 300 entries and approximately 300,000 visits.

There are opportunities for UK institutions who are participating in our “UK in my eyes” programme 2015 – 2016 to have their banner on the competition website in addition to all the other benefits.

Please have a look at the advertising call for more details about the “UK in my eyes” 2015 – 2016 package.

Action Required

For UK institutions who are interested, please send your expression of interest to:

Mr. Do Le Binh
Education Marketing Officer
Email: binh.do@britishcouncil.org.vn

And if you would also like to have your banner on the “UK in my eyes” competition platform on VNExpress, please write to us before 20 August with your banner ready by then.