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  • Vietnam: “UK in my eyes” programme - Opportunity to strengthen the network of ambassadors for UK institutions

Vietnam: “UK in my eyes” programme - Opportunity to strengthen the network of ambassadors for UK institutions

UK in my eyes is a programme which was developed and organized successfully by British Council Vietnam over the last three years to help UK institutions promote their profiles through advertising and showcasing best stories from their alumni. In 2013/14, the programme will provide opportunities for UK institutions:

  • to place a web banner on the website which aims to attract approximately 7.000 visits/month. The web banner will link directly to a landing page that helps the UK institution to promote profile or marketing events in Vietnam;
  • to have a landing page on the website, featuring success stories from their alumni and institutional alumni events that are relevant with Vietnamese prospective students.
  • to promote institutional alumni news and events that are relevant with Vietnamese prospective students on the Facebook fan page of the programme which aims to reach 5,000 Likes.

Participation fee: GBP2,000

Please find further details in the Advertising Proposal attached in Word.

Action Required

UK institutions who are interested in this promotion opportunity should send their expression of interest by 31 August 2013.